Wow Bfa Pets That Attacjk Slow But Do More Dmg

  1. Wow Bfa Pets That Attack Slow But Do More Dmg Levels
  2. Wow Bfa Pets That Attack Slow But Do More Dmg Things
Hunters who played in vanilla will remember that some pets had different attack speeds before Blizzard normalized it. Well, that is back in 8.0. No one really noticed because damage is normalized. Attack speed turns out to be mostly a flavor thing, with one exception.

Comentario de FoWL As a dual spec survival/marks blood elf hunter i would have to say that this pet is simply the best raiding pet in the game. Since it is a cunning pet you gain the mana replenishment effects and an AOE 3% armor reduction for the entire raid to take advantage of.

The standard attack speed is 2.0, or one attack every 2 seconds (found on like 98% of pets), and we've found pets ranging from 0.5 to 4.0. The biggest outliers are Deth'tilac (0.5) and Chimaeron (4.0).

That’s exactly why we’re going to look at the 5 best WoW BfA Hunter Pets with the respective pet family for each talent spec! Now that Shadowlands is out, you should also check out the best WoW Shadowlands hunter pets! Now, keep in mind that Blizzard has decided to implement certain changes in Battle for Azeroth when it comes to pets. Humanoid: Humanoids recover 4% of their maximum health if they dealt damage this round. Magic: Magic pets cannot be dealt more than 35% of their maximum health in one attack. Mehcanical: Mechanical pets come back to life once per battle, returning to 20% health. Undead: Undead pets return to life immortal for one round when killed. Skada appears to choke on the Hunter Talent 'Animal Companion.' Even with 'Merge Pets' selected, Skada lists a least some of the damage the Animal Companion pet does separately. The problem is exacerbated by Skada listing it in a continually growing list of the same pet on different lines.

Again, the damage is the same between these pets. Deth'tilac attacks 8 times faster than Chimaeron, but Chimaeron hits 8 times harder than Deth'tilac. The reason Deth'tilac is an exception to this is Frenzy stacks bring him down to the hard cap of 0.25 attack speed, which makes him lose some damage for BM (but not necessarily for SV and MM). All other pets seem to deal the same DPS, or are 'slow' enough to not hit this cap.
Any pets that had unique speeds from vanilla that still exist (i.e. Broken Tooth) seem to retain those original speeds and we've been finding tons of post-Vanilla pets with weird speeds. No idea if this is a bug or intended, but either way it doesn't seem to be hurting anything... especially having gone unnoticed for so long. If this does turn out to be intended and/or left alone, it might be worth building up some kind of list of all the unique attack speeds.
I have a post about it here with all the details including sims and some of the pets found so far, as well as how to find pet attack speeds quickly yourself: ... nce-again/

Attack speed is a secondary attribute that describes the delay between auto-attacks, measured in seconds. It is the reciprocal of the actual rate of attack; a higher attack speed means that you will attack less frequently, not more frequently. Essentially, it can be considered the 'cooldown' between auto-attacks by the given weapon. It is a function of weapon speed and haste.

Attack speed can be found in two places on your character sheet - under Melee and Ranged. Melee attack speed is determined by melee haste, and modifies the speed of your melee auto-attacks, while Ranged attack speed is determined by ranged haste, and affects the speed of your ranged auto-attacks. The same rules and calculations apply to each.

  • 1Attack speed calculation
  • 2Attack speed and DPS

Wow Bfa Pets That Attack Slow But Do More Dmg Levels

Attack speed calculation

Attack speed = base weapon speed / ((haste percentage / 100) + 1)
Wow bfa pets that attack slow but do more dmg levels

Like your attack speed, your melee and ranged haste can be found on your character sheet in the appropriate section. This percentage reflects a combination of all current haste effects applicable to your attacks; don't forget to apply melee haste for melee attack speed calculations, and ranged haste for ranged attack speed.

When calculating your own haste effects, you can either calculate the total haste percentage first, or perform the calculation separately for each haste source. Haste sources stack multiplicatively, except for haste rating, which is combined into a single percentage before being multiplied with the others.


Melee weapon speed = 1.8
Slice and Dice = 40%
Blade Flurry = 20%
JuJu Flurry = 3%
Attack_speed = 1.8 / ( (40 / 100) + 1 ) = 1.2857
Attack_speed = 1.2857 / ( (20 / 100) + 1 ) = 1.0714
Attack_speed = 1.0714 / ( (3 / 100) + 1 ) = 1.0402

Alternatively, multiply the haste sources at the start:

1.4 * 1.2 * 1.03 = 1.7304 = 73.04%
1.8 / 1.7304 = 1.0402

So with all 3 speed buffs going the melee attack speed is now 1.0402

Wow Bfa Pets That Attack Slow But Do More Dmg Things

1.8 / 1.0402 = 1.73 = 73% increased attack speed

Or, in attacks per minute:

57.6812 / 33.3417 = 1.73 = 73% more attacks per minute

Note: Blizzard rounds to 4 significant digits.

Basically, all of the calculations are reciprocal operations and are inverted from how you would expect to see them.

Blizzard applies attack speed buffs multiplicatively; in this example the buffs provide 73% increase, because 40% increase times 20% increase times 3% increase is 1.4 * 1.2 * 1.03 = 1.7304.

If you flip the numerator and denominator, you get your number of attacks per second, meaning that a percentage increase in attack speed has the final result of increasing your damage per second by the same percentage, along with an added bonus of increasing the number of ability procs (from weapons ([Landslide]) or skills and talents ([Go for the Throat], [Might of the Frozen Wastes]).

A quick way to determine resultant attack speed, without applying the formula for each increase, is the following:

[current attack speed] / (increase1 * increase2 * increase3...etc)


1.8 / (1.40 * 1.20 * 1.03) = 1.0402

Attack speed and DPS

It must be remembered that attack speed's significance is inverse to the usual meaning of 'speed' - in this case, higher speed means attacking more slowly/less frequently, while lower speed means attacking more quickly/more frequently. Attack speed describes the length of time between a player's auto-attacks. Effects that 'slow' opponents' attacks actually increase their attack speed.

DPS = weapon damage / attack speed


Weapon damage = 7600
Attack speed = 3.43
DPS = 7600 / 3.43 = 2216

While each attack may deal 7600 damage, because an auto-attack will only occur once every 3.43 seconds, the weapon's DPS is 2216.

Patch changes

  • Patch 1.7.0 (2005-09-13): Spells and effects that reduce attack speed will no longer stack with each other.

See also

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