Vnic Mac Addresses Manualdwnloadblock

How to assign Static IP address in Solaris 11? Is it possible to assign multiple IP address to NIC? First we will the basic difference between older version of Solaris and Solaris 11.In Solaris 10, according to the NIC manufacturer,physical network interfaces are named (Ex:bge,e1000g,nxge).But in Solaris 11 onwards,the inconsistencies names are hidden from the view and all the interfaces will.

Up to 31 secondary private IPv4 addresses from the subnet the VNIC is in, assigned by either you or Oracle; Optional public IPv4 address for each private IP address; Optional hostname for DNS for each private IP address (see DNS in Your Virtual Cloud Network) MAC address. 7 - How does a vNIC get a MAC address? 7 - Which Transport layer protocol does PPTP use? 7 - Which secured tunneling protocol might be able to. 7 - Which type of hypervisor is installed on bare. 7 - When surfing online, you get some strange data on. 7 - Which current protocol is used to create secure.

In this post, I will discuss with you one of the most interesting error which I am facing when I boot the local zone on Solaris 11.3. The description of this interesting issue as describe below.
Description of error:
sun# zoneadm -z sun01 boot
zone 'sun01': error: net0: failed to create VNIC: operation not supported
zoneadm: zone sun01: call to zoneadmd(1M) failed: zoneadmd(1M
I have try to create and configure the VNIC on Solaris 11.3 operating server but it get failed with the same error.
sun#dladm create-vnic -l net0 vnic01
dladm: vnic creation failed: operation not supported
If you are also facing a such error while booting the local zone on solaris 11 server, then please use the below solution to resolve such issues.
Solution of error:
1. This error 'failed to create VNIC: operation not supported' would normally come when there are not enough mac addresses to assign to the zone. So now we need to add alternate mac addresses to the network interface.So before adding the new mac address we will stop LDM.
sun#ldm list-domain
primary active -n-cv- UART 8 8G 2.0% 2.0% 41d 20h 14m
0004fb0000060000ff1d3d8336112f6f active -n---- 5001 50 64G 0.1% 0.1% 18h 23m
2. Now log in to the Solaris global zone and check if net0 have additional MAC addresses or not. Please use the below command to check the status.
sun# dladm show-phys -m
net0 primary 0:21:f6:d6:d3:e5 yes net0
1 0:14:4f:f9:6d:8d no --
2 0:14:4f:fb:10:2b no --
3 0:14:4f:f9:41:d6 no --
4 0:14:4f:f8:dd:c8 no --
net1 primary 0:21:f6:51:be:4d yes net1
3. Now zone will start without any issue, as we have assigned the new mac address to this zone.
sun# zoneadm -z sun01 start
Hope, your issue related to this has been resolved after reading my post. Please let me know if you are facing any issue regarding this error.

In one of my ESXi host we have found the alert mentioning the NFS IP Conflict and it points the specific MAC address as the owner . I was looking to find the HostIP which is causing the conflict and found some various options to find the results from both the ESXi VM level and hope it will be useful to share the information..

Method 1 – Simple commands

First by using the below command and it will search all the VMFS datastores and give the result with the appropriate VMX which is very useful to find the MAC of any VM vnic.( Below command is from the Reference Link )

find /vmfs/volumes | grep .vmx$ | while read i; do grep -i “00:50:**:**:**:**” “$i” && echo “$i”; done

If it couldn’t get the result then it will give the empty message..

Other Options :

Display the list of known network neighbors in the ARP and ND cache for all VMkernel network interfaces using one of the command

Next if we want to list the Mac of the VMKNIC then we can use the below command

esxcli network ip neighbor list

By using the VMware debug mode we can try the below command

vmware -l

To Determine the MAC address of an ESX Hosts administration interface.

Mac Addresses Lookup

# ifconfig |grep -i hw

The output appears similar to:

vswif0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:50:56:41:5A:59

The MAC address is found in the first line after HWaddr. In this example, the MAC address is 00:50:56:41:5a:59.

Note: The ESX host uses self-generated addresses starting with 00:50:56 (as opposed to the burned-in address of the interface itself).

Alternatively, review the outputted information and MAC addresses from the command esxcfg-nics -l.

Method -2 – DHCP Server

Vnic Mac Addresses Manualdwnloadblock Shortcut

Another way to find the Mac address is from the DHCP Server , Go to the Scope – Address Lease , It will list all the IPs with the Mac address but it will help only for the DHCP IPs and not for the static address .

Cisco Mac Addresses


Method-3 – ARP

Next step is to try the ARP command which will give the list of recently resolved IP addresses to MAC address mapping from the ARP cache.

To populate the ARP table, ping a broadcast IP address to get a reply back from all hosts listening on the same subnet.

For example :ping

To list the ARP table, run the command:

arp -a

Have a try on both from the ESX and the Vcenter so that we can get more chances to find the IP..

Method 4 – find the manufacturer.


If you suspect the MAC is from any hardware like printer then we can try the below link to find the manufacturer.

Method – 5 How to find the MAC of the ESXi servers using the PowerCLI.

How To Find Mac Addresses

Pls see the below reference link for the info of the script and I just copied the main content of the script here..

Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter| `

The Get-VmMacAddress function use the function to find the MAC of the VM using the powerCLI.

Method -6Free Tools

Lot of free tools are available in the internet like IP Scanner but the tool have to scan the entire network ..

Vnic mac addresses manualdwnloadblock shortcut
