Sales Popshow Live Sales Notifications On Store

Sales Popshow Live Sales Notifications On Store

  1. Sales Pop Show Live Sales Notifications On Store Bought
  2. Sales Pop Show Live Sales Notifications On Store Iphone


This WooCommerce Live sales notification plugin will increase your overall sales, as your visitors will get more confidence in buying from you when they see how others are buying from you

Sales Pop - The best popup to boost sales. Sales Pop is an influential selling tool which helps to boost your sales. Built with the concept of social proof, the app helps to display purchase activities on your store via real-time notification popups. Save with a 17% discount on your purchase of a 1 month or 3-month subscription to Xbox Live Gold, now priced at $9.99 or $24.99 per month with this limited time Microsoft Store deal. Show Notification from specific pages: You can use “conditional tags” option to show notification on a particular page depending on what conditions that page matches. Simply indicate ID or title of the page that you want to show notification. For Example, ispage(50) or ispage( array(50, 75) ) with page what IDs are 50 and 75. .All photos are copyrighted by respective sites. James in Los Angeles, California, United States purchased a Official Fabric 🚀. This means that for any sales your business makes in the US, you need to look at sales tax on a state level, i.e. At the tax regulations for each state relevant to you. The sales tax laws have been updated to include digital goods and services in different ways across the different US states, and the application of these laws has been.

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Here are some of the important features of the notification plugin:

Core feature

  • Show original order placed as a Live sales notification to other visitors
  • There is no restriction of numbers of products that will be shown, as other plugins have in there Free version
  • If you don’t have large numbers of orders then you can show virtual orders as well
  • Virtual orders can be generated from visitors recent product view, in this case there recently viewed product will be shown in the notification. This will encourage the visitor to buy it
  • Create virtual orders from your selected products
  • You can create custom message that will be shown in the notification, E.g: Mr. Dave from New York just purchased XYZ,
  • You can customize message using short codes like {date}, {time}, {first_name}, {city}, {state}, {country}, {product}, {price}
  • When the order is original this short code information comes from the original order when the order is virtual this information is auto-generated for you
  • Set how much old orders should be extracted for the notification, you can set this in Weeks, month and hours.
  • Select product from categories to create virtual orders

Layout feature

You can control complete look and feel of the notification from plugin setting

  • Disable notification on mobile, mobile breakpoint start from 968px
  • notification width, image width in the notification
  • Link image to product or not
  • Open link in a new tab or in the same tab
  • Background color of the notification
  • Position of the notification
  • Text color, font size, and weight of the notification Text
  • You can even customize color, font size, and weight for each of the text coming from short codes, so you can have different font size for {date}, and different font size for {product}
  • You can disable the closing notification option for the user, so user cant close notification

PRO features

  • Privacy protection Give Option to customer to exclude there info from live feed
  • It allows you to translate the message text, we have our own translation system for the message shown.
  • You can disable out of stock product from showing in notification
  • You can choose from many animation options for showing and hiding the notification
  • Set different date and time format for the short code {date} and {time}
  • You can show notification throughout the site, or you can control the notification page from these conditions, front page, product page, cart page, checkout page, shop page, product category page
  • Premium support: We respond to all support topics within 24 hours
  • Free version show 1-day old orders in the popup, PRO you can configure how old order to show
  • Set background image for the sales popup
  • Admin can also exclude any order from appearing in the live sales feed
  • Dismiss notification option, so buyer can disable the notification completely
  • Set how long the notification will remain disabled for that user
  • Show how long back the particular order was placed, “2 hours back”
  • Create urgency by showing stock left for the product
  • Set a fake stock amount that will be shown for the product where you don’t do stock management
  • Set product placeholder image


Can I disable Live sales notification for mobile

Yes, there is a direct option in the basic setting using that you can disable this on mobile, this is available in the FREE version and PRO both

Can I Control timing of the Fake sales popup alerts

Yes, this is available in the FREE version and PRO both

I don’t want to show out of stock products in WooCommerce Sales Notification

Free don’t have this option, this is only available in the PRO version of the WooCommerce Notification plugin

Is this Recent sales popup WooCommerce plugin will generate Virtual orders

Yes, Both Free and Pro version has the option to genera virtual order, that will be shown in live sales notification popup

Are those virtual order generated by WooCommerce Live sales notification plugin stored in website

No, those are generated at runtime and then removed as well

Can Live sales notification for WooCommerce plugin show product from specific category

Right now that option is not there in the new release that will be added, so you will be able to select a product from the category

Can I select an individual product to sow in WooCommerce Live sales notification plugin

Yes, you can select which product to show in WooCommerce order alert

Can I change the position of the popup box generated by Live sales alert WooCommerce plugin

Yes, you can change the position of the WooCommerce sales alert box

Set background image for the fake sales popup

You can set background image form the setting

I want to change the mobile breakpoint

The Mobile breakpoint is set to 968, in the free version you cant change the breakout, whereas in the PRO version there is an option to change the breakpoint as per your requirement

Give an option to your customer if they will like there name to appear in the live sales feed on your site

Pro version gives an option to the customer to decide if their name to appear in popup or not

I don’t want certain order to be shown in live feed

Admin can exclude certain order from appearing in the live feed

I want to show stock remaining so the buyer will be urged to buy now

Yes in the pro version it will show the stock remaining

I don’t want to show product image

You can add placeholder image that can be used if the product image is missing, or you can force it to use this image in place of product image even when the product has an image

Product name are not translated in my multi-language site made using Polylang plugin

Pro version supports Polylang plugin for product name translation


Showing fake sales is tasteless, and providing the tools that allows for it is even more tasteless. 1 star

With the emergence of online stores such as Amazon and Flipkart, and their success, more entrepreneurs have realized just how profitable an online store can be. Although, until a few years back, you would have needed an extensive coding knowledge in different frameworks to build your own online store, the game has changed now. Many online eCommerce websites offer a platform allowing you to create your very own Online Store; and as of now, Shopify is the most popular one.



Shopify is an online platform that offers users all tools and functionalities to create an Online Store and run it efficiently. It allows you to start your online business, market and sell your products, and manage your store in day to day business. Statistics have shown that about 1 million businesses have delivered using Shopify, and have generated a combined sales of over $200 billion.

Although Shopify gives you everything that is quintessential to run an online marketplace, you still need tools for other relevant work. Be it resizing an image, automation of trivial tasks like marketing, or making business cards, attention to detail is what makes anyone successful. This is why every Shopify user should also use the below mentioned tools, not just to run an online store, but also make sure to make them professional enough to generate revenue.

Slogan Maker
Image Resizer

Sales Pop Show Live Sales Notifications On Store Bought


Kit is a tool offered by Shopify to help you with the social media marketing of your online store. Social Media Marketing is one of the leading marketing techniques and has by far helped most business users in advertising their products and services. Since essentially every internet user has a social media profile, chances are that you will find most of your customers through social media marketing strategies. From launching your store and growing business to email marketing along with sales and conversion, Kit is the extra set of hands you need to focus more on your business.

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Burst is a free Stock Photo Platform, and is powered by Shopify to offer free and high resolution pictures to users for a perfect blog or website. The photos can be found by category including Home, City, Education, Food among others, with new photos posted every week to keep the stock fresh. The pictures offered by Burst are all free for commercial use for designer, developers, bloggers and entrepreneurs, while also being editable. Burst also offers users some amazing business ideas to choose from a collection of trending and fresh ideas through case studies, marketing analysis, and business model insights.

Slogan Maker

As the name suggests, Slogan Maker helps you find and develop eye catching slogans and catchphrases to use in your business. All you need to do is type in the word that you need in the phrase, or the main keyword of your product or service, and the Slogan Maker will automatically generate a slogan for you. A slogan shouldn't be taken lightly, since some of the most popular brands are recognized by a slogan, and a good catchphrase might also help you grab some of your customers' attention.


Every business, online or retail, needs a good logo to first have an identity and mark its presence. This is where Hatchful comes in handy as a tool, Shopify has to offer. Hatchful is a free logo maker for creating professional-looking logos and allows you to choose from a plethora of free and professionally designed templates. It allows you to add icons and edit the logo as you please with an easy to use interface and let the logo brand your niche.

Image Resizer

The worst mistake one can make while starting an online store is taking things lightly, and even worse, disregarding the picture of your product or other images you use. Image Resizer is the tool that takes care of this situation for you. A customer, when purchasing online, literally has to bet his money on the image of the product you have to offer. Resizing the image comes quite in handy, as it optimizes the image for use on the web, while also setting it in accordance with the configuration of the website, to make your online store more professional and appealing.


Sales Pop Show Live Sales Notifications On Store Iphone

Oberlo is a dropshipping application that works in a business model where you can sell on an online store without having to maintain an inventory. With Oberlo, you can find products to sell online and sell them directly from the manufacturer to the customer. Moreover, with millions of products to sell online and an automation tool like Oberlo, you can focus more on marketing strategies to enhance and scale your business, and create more revenue. Also, once you have made sufficient sales, selling products with Oberlo becomes as simple as clicking a button.


Sales Popshow Live Sales Notifications On Store

Shopify is a platform to sell your products and sometimes they can include t-shirts, mugs, and other accessories which need on-demand printing. This is where Printful comes in. You can connect Printful with your Shopify store and generate an image of the product with the desired print or embroidery from a collection of 228 different products. It is more of a dropshipping service where all you will receive is the order notification and Printful will take care of the rest.


Klaviyo is a marketing platform that helps you enhance your marketing and advertising strategy with a more personalized approach. Klaviyo offers trigger flows based on dates, events, and memberships for a more optimized and targeted marketing campaign, and needless to say, the better the marketing, the more is the revenue generated. Moreover, with the use of data science to predict risks, sending time, and product recommendations, users get the most out of a marketing tool with Klaviyo.

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On multiple occasions, users abandon their shopping cart, and this could be the case even with your online store. PushOwl is a web push notification application that comes quite in handy in such situations. It sends out automatic notifications for cart recovery, keeps tabs of and retargets regular visitors to send notifications regarding price drops, product availability and shipping, and offers users with the best push notification services as the most integrated browser push application. PushOwl also helps users with retention marketing as well as CRO.


Shopcodes is a tool built for creating QR codes for customers so they can simply make a purchase by scanning the code. QR codes are making rounds on the internet as the more convenient method to make payments and purchases, and this opportunity is offered by Shopify to its users through Shopcodes. When you make easy purchase and offer users a better customer experience from other websites, you create more loyal customers even without affiliate marketing. Moreover, you can analyze the scans and look into how many purchases were made through the QR code.