Download Free Mary Lovett Tyler Salem Witch Trials

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Download Free Mary Lovett Tyler Salem Witch Trials Episode

Mar 31, 2019 After the Salem Witch Trials spread to Andover in July of 1692, almost all of her daughter Hannah’s female in-laws, the Tyler family, were accused of witchcraft. On September 1, 1692, Mary Parker herself was accused when 15-year-old William Barker Jr named her in his confession, according to court records. Johanna Tyler, age 11, was accused of witchcraft along with her sisters Hannah and Martha, and their mother, Mary Lovett Tyler, on September 7, 1692. Her confessional testimony stands out as one of the more detailed descriptions of alleged witchcraft given by a child during the Salem trials. Tyler was later released along with her immediate family. For each person accused during the Salem witchcraft trials, you can access a large number (not all!) of the primary sources on-line, detailing what happened to them, as available in the original legal records and contemporary accounts. This is not an absolute definitive list, but it will get you started. John Hale's account, 1702; Deodat Lawson's account, 1692; Samuel Parris on the outbreak of witchcraft accusations in Salem village, March 27, 1692; Samuel Parris's statement to his congregations about Mary Sibley's use of countermagic, March 27, 1692 -^ 3. Witches on trial.

Download Free Mary Lovett Tyler Salem Witch Trials Museum

The examination of Nehemiah Abbott Jr.

Download Free Mary Lovett Tyler Salem Witch Trials 1692

February 11, 2009

I found this historical document on a Salem Witch Trials archives website from the University of Virginia. This website has all of the Salem witchcraft papers of those who were accused. It has their case documented as it was back in 1692. The case of Nehemiah Abbott Jr. caught my attention because it is about a man who was accused of witchcraft by a young girl, Ann Putman. She claimed that Abbott hurt her and she points him out in court, but is hesitant. Reading his case it interesting because he denies the allegations the entire time and the prosecutors tell him “if you would find mercy of god, you must confess”. They are basically forcing him to confess. I feel like they are telling him that if he doesn’t confess then he is not being fair to god. The significance of this document is that Nehemiah can’t admit to doing something that he never did. He says “if I should confess this, I must confess what is false.” Reading this case makes it clear how harsh and pushy the people were to convict people of witchcraft. It is really neat to see the actual documents from 1692 in the archives.

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